online workshop
disease as a chance
14.- 16. January 2021
Symptom-Constellaitons & Healing Voices
organized by
The Constellation Path School, Israel
The body is our friend. It is much wiser than we. It knows no separation from soul or spirit. It is deeply connected to everything and therefore has a great wisdom. In this workshop, we learn to listen to its voice.
Symptoms and illnesses, whether physical or mental, bring messages which tell you how you can heal on several levels. They show you how you can get rid of the stressful consequences of personal and trans-generational trauma. Particularly common are the consequences of war, expulsion and genocide or the disrespect and oppression of women by patriarchal systems and religions.
In this workshop, you can also find out how the collective traumas of your culture influence your personal life and how you can let go of these connections with respect. In order to provide this collective experience for the group, some of the participants' symptoms and illnesses are set up in a Symptom-Constellation.
English Interview with Dr. Rauscher about this workshop
English Talk about the online-format for this workshop
Especially in victim-perpetrator fields the healing experience in the constellations will be deepened in a powerful way by the energetic-shamanic healing method “Healing Voices”, which has been developed by Dr. Rauscher.
All participants, whether they are experiencing their personal constellation, standing as a representative in a systemic role or witnessing systemic or shamanic healing movements, will benefit from this collective experience. You get to know the landscape of your personal and collective connections and will get healing impulses on many levels.
Facilitor: Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Rauscher
Location: Online on Zoom
Date: 14. - 16. January 2021
Thursday: 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm (IST = Israel Standard time = UTC +2)
Friday: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday: 10 am - 5 pm
Workshop Fee: 260 Euro
Organization: Meirav Schreiber and Yael Eini, The constellation path school